The 7 Best Herbs for Your Thyroid

Considering that women are up to 8 times more likely to deal with thyroid conditions than men, thyroid health is at the top of the list for a good reason. After all, the tiny gland that regulates your metabolism and energy levels is kind of a big deal.

Some aspects of thyroid dysfunction are genetic, but what matters more are lifestyle factors—diet, gut health, and how you take care of yourself. Many people wait until they already have thyroid dysfunction to start making lifestyle changes, but you don’t have to. These herbs are great for your thyroid, as well as overall health, so that your thyroid can continue to keep you feeling great now—and in the future.

Problems with an underactive thyroid are on the rise, more so than we’ve ever seen before. Is it a result of modern life? High toxic loads and a poor diet? Not enough of the nutrients your thyroid needs to function properly? The likely answer is yes to all, but that doesn’t mean you’re powerless.

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Why your thyroid matters

When your thyroid isn’t working properly, it can feel like it’s trying to take your whole body down with it. Fatigue is a common symptom of a low or underactive thyroid, especially for women.

Some people also experience symptoms of an underactive thyroid before blood tests will show clinical symptoms of hypothyroidism. This is why it’s important to support your thyroid now, and be on the lookout for signs of low thyroid.

Watch: Red Flags! Symptoms of Thyroid Disorder.

Other signs your thyroid may need more support

If you’re experiencing fatigue or unrelenting exhaustion, you should take these symptoms seriously, and rule out a possible thyroid condition.

These are other thyroid symptoms that you shouldn’t ignore:

  • Feeling tired all the time, excessive daytime sleepiness
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Unexplained weight gain or weight loss
  • Joint or muscle pain
  • Very dry skin, and/or brittle hair
  • Changes in mood, worsening depression
  • Acid refluxrb

Read more: Women, These 4 Mistakes Tank Your Thyroid

Herbs for thyroid health

Of the estimated 1 in 8 women who will experience thyroid issues at some point in life, most have a low or underactive thyroid, known as hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism occurs for two main reasons:

  1. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis when the immune system produces antibodies that attack the thyroid gland.
  2. Central hypothyroidism as a result of environmental toxins, various nutrient deficiencies, thyroid cancer, surgery.

It’s crucial to note that your body cannot live without thyroid hormones, so if you’re currently taking a thyroid medication, do not discontinue your medication without first speaking with your holistic physician.

Herbs, vitamins, and mineral supplements are beneficial to improve thyroid function if you’re experiencing subclinical hypothyroidism–or a state in which your thyroid hormones are low, but not within the established criteria to necessitate medication.

If you have an underactive thyroid, diet, lifestyle, and correcting nutrient deficiencies may help restore your thyroid to its normal state. These herbs can help you achieve overall balance and thyroid health.

Read more: Healing Hypothyroidism with East-West Medicine


A staple in Ayurvedic medicine, ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb and one of the most popular herbs for thyroid health. It helps the body to deal with stress, and may improve thyroid function–especially in those with subclinical hypothyroidism. 

In one study, participants were given 600 mg of ashwagandha for 8 weeks, and experienced improved thyroid hormone production (1).

There’s some evidence that this herb supports adrenal function and may promote healthy DHEA levels. DHEA is an adrenal hormone necessary for energy, focus, and vitality (2). Ashwagandha has a wide variety of uses in traditional medicine, including to improve mood, help the body deal with stress, and balance hormones.

Related: 7 Wellness Tonics for Stress Relief, Glowing Skin, and Much More.  


Like Ashwagandha, eleuthero, or Siberian ginseng, is also an adaptogen. Traditionally, it was used to reduce symptoms of fatigue and increase mental alertness and stamina (3).

Adaptogens are thought to work by regulating the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, which controls the body’s response to stress (4). A dysregulated HPA axis can cause fatigue, sleep disturbances, and may contribute to thyroid disease.

Related: Adrenal Fatigue, 7 Signs You’re on the Road to Burnout

Magnolia Bark

Magnolia bark promotes a restful night’s sleep.

Lack of sleep is one big factor for your body’s inability to cope with stress. In fact, poor sleep is linked to

obesity, fatigue, and other conditions driven by hormonal imbalances (5). At the same time, an underactive thyroid may make it harder to get the sleep you need.

Magnolia bark effectively promotes better sleep via its power to increase GABA, a calming neurotransmitter. People with reduced GABA are prone to insomnia or other sleep problems. Magnolia bark also has a long history in traditional Chinese medicine as an anxiety and stress soother, which makes it great to help you get restful sleep.

Keep reading: Magnolia Bark is Your Antidote to Stress + Anxiety


Stinging nettle is a plant commonly used during allergy season—but it also has some hidden thyroid health talents.

Nettle leaves are known to contain significant amounts of minerals that are crucial for thyroid hormone production, including selenium, zinc, iron and magnesium (6). 

In particular, adequate selenium may be especially beneficial for autoimmune thyroid disease. Selenium has been found to reduce thyroid antibodies, reduce thyroid symptoms, and improve overall well-being (7). 

Find antioxidant selenium and a stress-fighting blend of active B vitamins in Boost.


Bacopa is mostly known for its beneficial effect upon mood and mental clarity, but an animal study demonstrated that bacopa increased thyroid hormone production as well.

High-dose bacopa extracts increased both T3 and T4 similar to that of the levothyroxine, stimulating the thyroid gland and alleviating symptoms (8).  

Black cumin seed oil

Black cumin may have significant beneficial effects on patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. Black cumin seed oil also has anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, and cholesterol-reducing properties.

After 8 weeks of treatment, participants receiving black seed oil experience reduced BMI, a reduction in inflammatory markers, and a significant decrease in anti-TPO antibodies. They also experienced an increase in both T4 and T3 thyroid hormone levels (9).

Reducing thyroid antibodies may also help improve symptoms of anxiety. A 2004 study found a link between anxiety or mood disorder and the presence of TPO antibodies (10). 

Learn more: The Incredible Benefits of Black Seed Oil for Women


Various environmental toxins and heavy metals can damage the thyroid, hindering the production of thyroid hormone and causing fatigue, brain fog, and other symptoms. 

In animal studies, an herbal blend containing coleus, along with bacopa and ashwagandha, restored thyroid function after exposure to harmful environmental chemical compounds. There are many environmental compounds that can deplete both T4 and T3 thyroid hormones, and this blend was successful in restoring healthy thyroid function in subjects whose thyroid had been damaged by toxins (11). 

Other herbs for thyroid hormones

Sea kelp (Ascophyllum nodosum) and bladderwrack (Fucus vesiculosus) are dietary sources of natural iodine, which is essential for thyroid function, but you should practice caution with these herbs. In excess, iodine can further harm the thyroid for those with autoimmune disease like Hashimoto’s. If you suspect an iodine deficiency, natural sources can help address this deficiency, but it’s important to talk with your holistic doctor if you’re unsure.

How to use these herbs

When seeking out herbs for thyroid health, you have several options to make things easy. Tinctures or extracts can be found in many natural grocery stores and easily added to any liquid.

You can also find loose leaf or bagged teas, in addition to high-quality supplements that make getting these herbs super easy and convenient. When browsing herbs for thyroid health, be extra mindful of quality and sourcing.

Other tips for healthy thyroid function and energy

  • Keep an eye on stress levels. Stress and thyroid problems go hand-in-hand for many women. While it’s not always realistic to eliminate all stress, we want to make sure your body isn’t experiencing the adverse effects. Set aside time to commit to yourself each week, don’t hesitate to lean on others for help, and, remember—self-care isn’t selfish.

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  • Try inositol with selenium. A combination of myoinositol and selenium has been shown torestore healthy thyroid function in patients diagnosed with thyroid autoimmune disorders. Myoinositol and selenium are also beneficial for hyperthyroidism, as with Graves’ disease, restoring TSH levels and normal thyroid hormone levels (12). Hormone Helper, together with Boost supplies both of these nutrients to support healthy hormones.
  • Omit gluten, at least temporarily. Gluten can be problematic for thyroid health for many people—myself included. Gluten can worsen autoimmune thyroid issues, causing your immune system to mistakenly flag your thyroid gland for destruction. If you’re unsure, try eliminating gluten for 3-6 months and see how you feel.
  • Dial in your diet. Your thyroid needs an array of nutrients to function properly, like B12, zinc, iodine, other minerals, and amino acids. Prioritize quality proteins like pastured poultry, eggs, and fish, a variety of plant foods like leafy greens, broccoli, zucchini, and other vegetables, and healthy fats from avocado, olive, coconut, and ghee. If you’re struggling with hormone health (that includes your thyroid), a vegan or vegetarian diet may not be best at this time.

Using Holistic Medicine Herbs for Thyroid Health

Your thyroid is a powerhouse for your overall health and well-being. When it’s not functioning properly, it can be the root of many problems, including unexplained fatigue and weight gain. While sometimes medication is necessary to restore thyroid function, lifestyle and diet are a crucial piece of overall thyroid health. These herbs are just a few that have been shown to be helpful in protecting your thyroid now so it can keep working for you for many years to come. Which herb is right for you? Talk to your holistic healthcare provider today about how you can best protect your thyroid health.


